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Girl checking her tummy size

At The Plastic Surgery Group, our plastic surgeons provide advanced cosmetic solutions for the face and body. We are well known for helping patients who want to address sagging skin and unwanted fat around the abdomen through tummy tuck surgery. Read on as we share four facts about tummy tuck that may surprise you.

It’s Not a Viable Weight-Loss Strategy

One of the misconceptions about tummy tuck is that it can help patients drop weight. Although some patients may lose a few pounds after the procedure, our plastic surgeons feel very strongly that tummy tuck only is performed if a patient is at, or close to, his or her target weight range.

If you are interested in tummy tuck but want to lose weight, plan to do so before pursuing surgery. Consider tummy tuck as a “finishing touch” to sculpt, not reduce, your abdomen.

The Benefits Go Beyond the Cosmetic

By removing excess fat and skin and tightening the abdominal musculature, the tummy tuck completely transforms the appearance of the abdomen. But the benefits of the procedure go beyond the cosmetic. Clothing tends to fit better after surgery without excess folds of skin on the lower abdomen. There are medical benefits to the tummy tuck, too. Studies show that tummy tuck surgery can help improve symptoms of stress urinary incontinence. And by repairing the abdominal muscles, the procedures can help with back pain and some posture problems.

The Belly Button Does Not Move

After a tummy tuck, the navel sits higher on the abdomen. But it is not the belly button that has moved — it is the skin around it. During surgery, an incision is created around the belly button, leaving it attached to its “stalk” in the abdominal wall. Then, the skin around the belly button is pulled down so it is taut, and a new opening is made. The belly button is pulled through the opening, similar to a buttonhole.

Both Men and Women Can Enjoy the Results of Tummy Tuck

While the majority of our tummy tuck requests come from women, they are not the only ones who can reap the benefits of surgery. Men who want a flatter and firmer abdomen can also see incredible results with the tummy tuck, particularly if they have lost a significant amount of weight and struggle with folds of loose skin, lax muscles, and stubborn fat pockets.

To find out whether tummy tuck can help you achieve your ideal cosmetic outcomes, please contact The Plastic Surgery Group and request a consultation with our team today.

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